I just love this man


So after a year of TTC this cycle we both agreed we were going to do everything in our power to get that BFP. We’ve been using clearblue advanced digital and I’ve had 5 days of flashing smileys, we decided we were going to BD every day from the first flashing one but my oh my it’s hard work as we both work full time and are in the middle of having the house renovated.

We decided we were going to take a break last night and surprise surprise, today I get the solid smiley, I know ovulation will probably take place in the next couple of days but still felt annoyed that the day I got a peak we didn’t BD the night before, anyway my SO is at work and I texted him this, look at his reply 😩😂. He knows how to put a smile on this face. All over a sudden I’m not as annoyed anymore, I just want him to get home so I can gets some cuddles 🥰