Can't deal with Medicaid ughhhh


This is Louisiana Medicaid my daughter had. I just renewed my 1 year old daughters Medicaid at the end of February. I called today to see what's the process with the application because the Medicaid she has know ends April 1st or so I thought😡. Over the phone I was told that her coverage ended February 28😑 the messes up part about it is I was not informed about this at all. The only letter I got from them was saying coverage ends April lst. These people or driving me crazy so all this time I've been bringing her to appointments having no clue what waa going on. Now I'll probably get drs bills which I can't pay because they gave me wrong information and cut my just turned one years old heath insurance with out informing me. So basically when i sent in the renewal the case was closed, but the worker told me she would send it in and hopefully they'll fix the mess they made. But my question is if I do get dr bills in the mail once she is approved will they pay for it??