Worried...Can I still get pregnant?

It all started with me having irregular period last month. I normally always have regular periods. My period typically always heavy with clots the first 3 days and typical last 6 days. I typically take some advil or midol and I can deal with my time of the month. Well I had my period started on 2/8 as predicted as normal with my cycle and then it restarted again on 2/27 and last around 4 days then stopped. Thus starting the test.

So yesterday I just got finished with my pelvic sonogram/vaginal sonogram. The sonographer told me I have 5 fibroids, 1 ovarian cyst on my left ovary, and my uterus is larger than normal which he suspect its andomyosis. I won't be schedule to see my gyn/ob MD until April 4 the soonest she has an opening. He told me not to worry and it common issues and it didnt appear nothing tumorish for me to sleep well until I see my doctor. I will take my blood test they ordered before I see my doctor.

I'm 38 yrs old and never have a baby. My husband and I was in the process to start. I'm taking prenatals vitamins prior to all of this. I literally cried like a baby in the car for 10 mins straight cause I'm just worried about my fertility. This is so many things at once. My age already is high risk.

I'm glad I'm finding this out before I even try to get pregnant. I'm just super nervous my doctor will tell me I can't get pregnant. My husband and I will be devastated.

Has anyone gone through this? If so was surgery the first option? I have so many questions. Meanwhile I'll be waiting for 3 weeks worrying....