Just need to vent

Chelsea • 24 • TTC baby #1

Honestly over everything. My MIL knows hubby and I are trying for a baby yet she proceeds to always make comments about us having kids?? Talking about new truck I’m getting...her: “I won’t even say what you’ll have more room for” uhm excuse me? It’s been about 6 months since we told her, been trying a year, yet she still continues to make comments like that. Rude. Then every time I go on social media or am around pregnant people all I see is them complaining about being pregnant. I’m sure it’s uncomfortable and all that but literally I would kill to be feeling that way. All I want is to be pregnant. I don’t care how uncomfortable, lack of sleep, countless times getting up to pee I would take all of that in a heartbeat. I’m so crushed, angry, upset about not being pregnant yet. Hubby has his semen analysis and if that comes back fine we’ll be doing an exploratory laparoscopy to check for endometriosis (runs in my family and I have some signs and symptoms). Terrified we’ll get results that say we won’t be able to have kids. So many emotions and all of this going on around me, the rude comments, I want to snap. Don’t know how much more I’ll be able to take.