My weight is affecting my life...


Before I begin, I’m not putting this out there for attention or for any pity on me. I’m just really hoping for some advice and hopefully for some tips. I feel like I’ve annoyed everyone around me so this is why I’m here. My weight is affecting my life and I don’t know what to do. I’m high school I was 180 and I honestly thought I was “fat” than. Oh how I’d love to be back there. I’m now 305.....yup. I’ve gained over 100+ in 3 years and I’m depressed. I started gaining weight once I learned how to drive because I was always out and when they say fast food will make you gain weight like crazy,they weren’t lying. I ate a lot of fast food and i gained weight from there on out. Now I’m here. Fat,comfortable and hating myself. There’s times we’re I actually go weeks without eating and I feel great! But recently my doctor changed my medicine to something that would “help me loose weight” but ever since I’ve been on it,it’s doing the complete opposite! I’ve ate more then I ever have and I feel gross! No matter what I can’t stop eating. No matter if I try and stop myself. It’s like a sick addiction. 😕 I looked at myself in the mirror tonight and cried because I’m disgusting. I’ve tried the keto diet but it made me feel sick all the time and I couldn’t handle it. I’ve tried working out but it’s so fucking hard and I struggle that I can’t get through 2 mins....idk what to do. I can’t stand myself and I don’t feel comfortable but I can’t do anything to change myself....please don’t be mean either I’m literally just trying to find some kind of advice 😪

This is me in high school btw :

This is me now: