What kind of blood?

So I had sex with my boyfriend on Feb 23, so like two weeks ago. This past week I missed a pill by like 12 hours and I started getting what seemed to be a period. It started off with like black stuff, which then turned brown and later started coming out as blood. I thought it was weird though since it isn’t like clots which is what I usually have when I’m on my period. And when I pee, sometimes the blood goes into the toilet but it’s not like the dark red puddle at the bottom like usual, but instead the color of the toilet water just becomes like a light red color. It had the smell of a period on the first day, but tonight I used a tampon and whenever I took it out, only half of it was soaked which was awkward. I bled more after I took it out and wore a regular pad, but I smelled the pad and the tampon and they smelt nothing like period blood. They smelt like normal, metally/irony blood. Should I be concerned?