chance of pregnancy?

I got my period feb 16-19 and I had unprotected sex on feb 20 with my boyfriend, he some what came in me so we got a plan b, a week later I started bleeding (lightly, for 1 day) I went to my schools Baylor clinic and I asked and they told me It was the plan b working. My boyfriend and I would have sex, but protected sex!! 2 weeks later from taking plan b we took a pregnancy test and it came out negative ( which is great lol ) and 3 days ago we took another one and came out negative. March 8 and 9 we had sex Twice each day. unprotected. I should be getting my period on the 18 of this month ( March ) should I panic? should I be worried!?!?, LOL!

Not to sound like a sex machine but.. we had a lot of protected sex through out the month

If you’re here to judge, LEAVEEEE pls and thnxxx