What to name my period? 🧐

Yall, I love bloody/graphic books, movies and plays, and I thought what better way to incorporate humor into my scheduled monthly time in hell? 😁 so here are a few of my favorite choices, with context. (SPOILER ALERTS)

No. 1- Carrie, named after student outcast Carrie White from Stephen King's book "Carrie", who is bullied by her entire school. They throw pigs blood on her at prom and in delightfully malicious fashion she kills them all with her telekinetic powers.

No. 2- Johnny, a play on the phrase "Heeeeeeres Johnny!" From Stephen Kings book 'The Shining' as the writer in the story is axing down a bathroom door trying to kill his wife and son. I also associate my period with the graphic bloody elevator scene, which makes me bust out laughing every single time.

I mean look at this! Tell me it doesnt make yall laugh too!

No? Just me? Oh. Mkay!

And numero tres, Duncan. Named after king duncan from William Shakespears 'Macbeth'. King duncan is stabbed to death by macbeth and lady macbeth after macbeth is be told to become thane of courdor and soon thereafter to be king. After lady macbeth finishes the job and frames Duncan's guards she returns to macbeth covered in blood. Its fucking great.

Anyway, vote for your fave or comment below your suggestions. Of tall have a funny name for your monthlies, comment those too! Keep laughing ladies! 💋❤✌

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