2 week period, brown discharge, lots of cramping


I started the mini pill several months ago, I feel like I have been on it for a while and have adjusted really well, however, I am not always the best at taking my pill at the same time everyday and due to some time changes from traveling, I have missed at times and doubled up the next day. My periods have all been very typical and normal. However, this month I awaited my period for an entire week, I had so many hormones, my body was dying. My face broke out a ton and my period was really funky. It lasted 10 days and was extremely light some days there was heavier blood, but extremely light other days. I kept thinking my period was over and it seemed to go on and on. But the blood itself was brown at the beginning, normal, and got a bit pinker as it went on, but remained very brown in color. There was a point when I was positive that my period, whatever it was, was over and I had sex with my husband, there was a pool of brown discharge, I went to the bathroom and I assumed that I really messed up and probably had a miscarriage. Iv had 2 before. But no bright red blood. Now my hormones have really leveled out and I seem fine, but it’s a week after it officially stopped and I have been consistently having brown discharge and I have light cramping 24/7. It’s really expensive to get good pregnancy tests in New York and I haven’t felt the urge to splurge and get a pregnancy test because I feel like I basically had a period and there’s no way I am, but I also fear about ectopic pregnancy and I don’t think that a fetus would survive if I’m taking birth control everyday right? What does this sound like, what would be your advice? Thanks in advance.