Early baby arrival test!

Tiffany • Married with two wonderful little boys. Couldn’t change it because it’s the best thing ever.

So this is just a post to see everyone’s ideas on when baby will arrive, and their experiences with their symptoms and labor and if there is any correlation. This may be a teeny bit long but it’s interesting I promise! I would like to start off with saying this is my second boy, due April 30th, 2019. My first boy was born March 13, 2018 at 41 weeks exactly. I was induced for high blood pressure that was about 143/96. It ended up going down upon my vitals at the hospital during my registration process. It all ended up in C section after becoming fully dilated because I felt baby move back up after my last push and his heart rates kept dropping during contractions but I wouldn’t contract correctly without the pitocin. So anyways. Here we are again a year later at 32 weeks and 4 days. Since Valentine’s Day my little boy got sick and I started having a cold and itchy throat the next day. My sinuses got better after a week and then got worse again. My sinuses are JUST now getting back to normal nearly 3 weeks later. All day today and yesterday I’ve had pain in my buttocks, my thighs, the sides of my hips and my pubic bone area on the sides, and my lower back. Every part of me aches! Things were pretty good with my first, I didn’t have much Braxton Hicks and if I did I want sure if that was what they were or not and they were never painful. This go round. I get a lot of uncomfortable Braxton Hicks. Seemingly everyday for the past few weeks. Thursday (March 7th) I ended up going to the Children’s and Womens hospital even though I had just seen my doctor Monday, and even called my nurse tuesday. Because my sinuses and cold has just been driving me mad! I called Wednesday because I had a nasty headache. Not the first time I had one for 2-3 days about a week ago. And they pushed me off to sinus pressure and told me to take sudafed and robitussin as needed and ( of course by the label) Tylenol as needed for headache. Needless to say I have already been doing this, taking a little as necessary for almost 2 weeks! It wasn’t helping! I guess being caught up with my almost one year old and working 5 days a week you can probably almost see that I never paid attention to almost how religiously I was taking Tylenol. Maybe once a day. The 500mg. It was seriously to just take my pain away. I checked into children’s and women’s Thursday morning because my headache was absolutely horrible that morning. I was nauseous, weak, fatigued, my head just pounded, and I was worried about baby because I felt like his movements weren’t as strong as usual even if I did eat sweets and drink something cold. They checked me in to see a nurse, did full vitals, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and put a doppler to baby to hear his heart rate which was a perfect 145. Then they sent me for a urine culture, a flu test, a strep test, a white cell count for infection (because of my forever nasty cold), and put me on a one hour non stress test and fluid IV while I waited on my test results, I asked what the IV was for and she said it was to help me feel better. Needless to say it ended 4 hours later with the results of being dehydrated and having Tylenol rebound headaches, so they put Benedryl in my IV and some type of antacid I forgot the name to cut my headache and they would let me go home when my headache was gone. I had this headache since Tuesday night. I had to call out of work Thursday because I couldn’t handle it. They even checked my cervix because my NST showed a few pretty good contractions high on the chart but they didn’t bother me much. And I was closed. Which is good he isn’t due for 7 1/2 more weeks! So all in all, I’ve tried to increase my water intake to at least 6-7 glasses a day. I wasn’t even doing that well. And rest a little more. Luckily my mom watched my little boy for two days while I slept and my husband went to work. I feel like I’m falling apart! I hurt everywhere and yesterday morning I had some sudden painful contractions that went away after chugging two glasses of water. I’m not sure how much baby will allow me to handle it seems like he’s been putting my body through the ringer with being in aches, being tired and dehydrated. I’m so curious as to when the bugger really wants to come. Will it be March April or May? Oh my who knows! We are also planning a VBAC with a 70%+ success rate. So natural labor is a must, but I would like for him to at least grow until April. Anyone had any similar experiences that have made them go into labor earlier than their due date and how early? I want some guesses on when he will come to you, and what yours were?