Please help


Hey guys, I hope you’re all well?

I really need some advice ... I’m nearly 28 weeks and have been signed off work as I’m really struggling with pgp and sickness (literally only started week 26 smashed it up until then no symptoms at all not even morning sickness 1st trimester ) I haven’t been at work for the last week and the smallest things really tire me out and I’m not really sleeping at night either 🙄😫which doesn’t help. I don’t really know what to do work wise...I’m not due Mat leave for another 10 weeks so I’m thinking of bringing it forward to 34 weeks... but I can’t even cope now and I’m not at work... I’m worried if I go back and then get signed off again... do I just stop now and keep rested or push myself until 34 weeks? Midwife thinks pgp will only get worse.... but is 28 weeks really early? I have to tell my boss by Monday either way but I don’t know what to do 😫 ... I really wanted to work right until the end but my job is quite physical and it’s not looking practical now .. 😰 any advice I would greatly appreciate ❤️ I feel so stupid and pathetic I almost want to shake myself and get a grip but I’m too tired, sick and sore 😔 this is my 1st baby xx sorry for long boring post xx ps I live in uk so get a years mat leave xx