Could i still be pregnant?

Okay...i probably sound insane...but i need opinions because this has taken over my life.

-had no period in January but had sore nipples for 2 weeks before I was supposed to start but stopped hurting the day I was supposed to start.

-started bleeding heavy with bad back pain on February 1st, 7 days after i was supposed to start my period. Heavy for 2 days and very nauseaus with lower back pain.

-the bleeding was heavy for 2 days then got very light which is weird for me. Normally I’m heavy for a straight 5 days.

-took a ridiculous number of tests between the middle of Jan and that bleeding that were all negative, also 2 after the bleeding that I had in February which were also negative.

-I’m currently a week late for my March period as well...and i have not had sex since January (or since i bled in February).

-and i have no pregnancy symptoms really besides lower back pain but that is normal for me sometimes because i work as a server and am on my feet a lot. So idk.

I am SO SCARED that i am somehow still pregnant and I have no idea why. The “period” i had, even though it was heavy for the first two days and I had back pain, was very off for me. I normally have THE WORST cramps and that’s all I get like i don’t get nauseous on my period at all, but this time i just had lower back pain and terrible, terrible nausea. I’ve taken over 6 tests and all negative but I am still scared. Do i sound crazy or do you guys think I could still be pregnant?