First period with copprr IUD

Is this normal? I'm usually very good with pain but I'm really struggling at the moment. Got the IUD fitted about 6 weeks ago and came on (for the first time since having it) on the 6th. My period usually only lasts about 4 days and is medium flow with some cramping. I was expecting things to be a bit worse now but I'm actually a little worried that someone is wrong. I'm on my 5th day and changing my menstrual cup every 30-60 minutes, my cramps are worse than contractions and have me doubled over in agony. I can feel the strings; they feel longer than usual and I'm scared that the IUD has moved. I can't get it checked until Tuesday (12th) but I'm at the point that I'm seriously considering going to the emergency room, though I don't want to waste their time if this is just typical with the copper IUD.

Any advice appreciated!