This isn’t fair: 2nd update


March 3rd I was on my way to work. All of a sudden I see the traffic camera go off and I was confused because my light was green so I didn’t think to stop only to get hit a second later by someone that decided to pass the red light. My window was down and with the hit my truck turned when that happen my arm flew out hitting the pavement and taking off my skin and messing up a tendon. I had 2 surgeries and may need a 3rd all this while being 6 weeks pregnant. They told me they wouldn’t really check since I was only 6 weeks if something was to happen there wasn’t a lot they could do.

3 days later I’m sent home feeling well. I told myself I wasn’t going to let it get to me I was going to continue to take care of myself like I would normally do still being pregnant. Now a week later and I’m bleeding a lot. I know if I go to the er again I will hear the same thing “it’s to early to know anything”. Since I’m only 7 weeks my appointment with my doctor isn’t till next week. And this just isn’t fair. I lost another baby last year April 26 we were so happy for our rainbow baby trying to enjoy every moment. I’m so scared for my mental health as well I don’t want to become suicidal I don’t want to have hate for the other person I don’t want to be afraid of life. But this isn’t fair I keep to myself I do no harm to anyone why is this happening to me?!

I was left with a bunch of bruises outside my body and now my heart as well 💔👼🏽

UPDATE: baby is still holding strong and we were able to hear a heartbeat! Still nervous from the bleeding but staying strong that nothing will happen 💛💛

March 23rd I lost it. I was in pain for two days when I went to the restroom and it came out 😣