Teen pregnancy scare


I am terrified. I am 17 and always so scared that I could be pregnant and I might just be psyching myself out but I have so many symptoms. First off, we aren’t stupid. I’m on bc and I never miss a pill and we use condoms. We are insanely paranoid, and thus insanely careful. The condom does break or get lost inside sometimes, and my family is genetically insanely fertile. For the past week and a half I have been bloated, had insane mood swings, been throwing up frequently, exhibited extreme hunger and thirst, taken more frequent bathroom breaks, had cramps in the middle of my cycle, had constipation, my boobs have been swollen and sore and my nipples are darkened and enlarged, I’ve been dizzy, and a ton of other random shit. A lot of these symptoms are also symptoms of pms, but I’ve never had pms and the pill is supposed to eliminate these symptoms anyway.

I’ve probably just freaked myself out by going on web md too much. I can’t take a test yet because My period isn’t for another week. I don’t know what to do because this is scaring me shitless. My friends have consoled me, but seem concerned too. I don’t want to freak my bf out because I am always scared that I’m pregnant, but I have never had symptoms like this. What do I do?