Grateful and hopeful ❤


Hi all! My husband and I have been TTC for almost 2 years now. I was cramping last weekend which is normal when my period is about to arrive so I didn't think much of it. A few days later, Wednesday, I just had an urge to take a PT even if it was days before my missed period. I didn't see a line so I showered and continued getting ready for work. I was standing over the sink when I saw that there was a second line. I didn't think much of it and thought maybe it's an evaporation line but I decided to take another one anyway. Also positive! I'm trying to control my emotions until I go see my doctor (4/12) to make sure that everything's okay. Been taking a PT everyday since though. 😂

I've been on Glow for almost 2 years now and I mostly go on for the community. Hearing everyone else's stories definitely helped me keep going. ❤