Do you get time away from your kid(s)?


I’ve been back at work full time since November, 5 days a week 9-5. I get my 2 year old up and fed breakfast and take him to daycare before work. I pick him up after work and make him dinner. I handle bath and bedtime by myself. Occasionally my SO makes it home by dinner but usually it’s when I’m trying to get our son settled down for bed or he’s already asleep. He owns his own shop that’s open Wednesday through Sunday, but always has some work Monday and Tuesday even though he’s closed. I don’t get any time off from my son, my lunch break and before I pick him up after work is all the time to myself I get. He’s such a night owl that 9 pm is early for him to fall asleep, so usually I just get stuff ready for the morning, fold any laundry and sleep after he’s in bed. I feel like I’m constantly rushing and always almost late. How do other working mamas manage to carve out time?