Rainbow Baby Fears


I had a loss on November 11. My baby was 11 weeks and 6 days. I had tried and tried to get pregnant from the moment my doctor gave to ok. I just about gave up and then my husband said I should take a test on my Birthday (March 7), well I couldn’t wait and took it on March 3rd (7 days before MP) I got my BFP!!! I am beyond excited I cried and then instant fear came over me and my husband. We are both stuck in this fear of another MC. However, I did tell my Mom and Sister hoping to get some support for these fear. However, they only make it worse by saying don’t tell anyone in case you have another MC and don’t think of names. I feel overwhelmed with this fear, but at the same time I am so excited I want to tell people. My plan is to wait till 12 weeks. Has anyone else had these fears? How do you cope?