Funny birth control story

Okay so when I was 15 or 16 I can't remember my doctor put me on birth control to help my acne. It was a pill I think. 
Well after that my body started changing, my boobs grew and it's like it sped up puberty for me. Long story short
I took a shower and when I got out I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get the water off of me. I kept trying to wipe myself dry with a towel. I finally gave up and looked down at my body and my nipples were leaking clear fluid and not just a little bit it's like someone turned on a faucet. 
I thought that only happened to pregnant women and I wasn't sexually active at the time so I ran to my mother almost crying saying "MOM MY BOOBS ARE LEAKING SOMETHING IS WRONG" 
My mother about choked on what she was drinking and laughed so hard and I couldn't figure out why (still panicking) here I am naked holding a towel up to myself almost in tears and my mom finally said "it's your birth control it does that to some people" 
What? Birth control makes you leak water from your boobs? She just started laughing again and told me she'd talk to my doctor. 
I guess I was a lot less mature at 16 than some and i didn't think my body could do that. I just thought of this and thought I would share it. 😂