First appointment Thursday 3/14


I believe I’ll be 7 weeks 4 days. I am beyond nervous! I scheduled the appointment for my fiancé’s 33rd birthday. I thought it would be great to see our first child and then go to lunch together. But now I’m stressing. What if something’s wrong and the day gets ruined?! I’m trying my best to listen to my gut that everything is fine. Isn’t a big part of motherhood going off your instincts? But my over the top worried and anxiety filled brain can’t just let myself rest easy. 😩

I haven’t had a spot of blood but I have had cramping and right side pain at times. The past 2 days my breasts have stopped hurting. Still beyond constipated and miserable though. We tried for 10 months and I’m so terrified I’ll have a miscarriage.

I also have no idea what to expect. I’m 5’4 and 290lbs. I gained 9lbs of bloat in almost 3 weeks! I live a very sedentary lifestyle and I’ve been trying to keep things as normal as possible. I will ask my doctor if I should be actively trying to lose weight which I would LIKE to do. I was just scared to put my body out of its norm in fear of miscarriage.

Is anyone else as terrified as I am about the worst?? I feel like his birthday might get completely ruined. How do I survive these next 4 days without freaking myself out??