Symptoms before implantation


So, there have been many months in the past 8 months of TTC where I have thought we did it. I felt the symptoms. I even had spotting 8 dpo one month. With a bbt drop that day & a massive rise the following days. Only for af to show right on time.

Well. This month was medicated. I am most likely having symptoms from the hormones. They’re not in my head. It started 2-3 dpo. My 15 year old keeps asking me if I’m pregnant. The 2nd time, as I was laying in bed about to vomit once again, I snapped at her, “it’s not POSSIBLE!”

Bc I know it takes 6-12 dpo before implantation even.

I took 3 letrozole pills cd 4, 5, & 6. Didn’t do the 5 bc I got scared & just chickened out. But I’m sure it had caused my hormones to be off, causing these symptoms. I have gave advice on here many times to women who have symptoms immediately after sex, telling them they can’t have symptoms yet. Well. Just saw this.


Just in their head that month as well & it was just a coincidence? Bc I have had those months as well.