Ectopic pregnancy


Hello ladies- just looking to see if anyone has had the same or a similar circumstance. I had my second ectopic pregnancy this winter (my first was last winter). My first was in my cervix and the second in my ovary, of opposite sides. Ive gotten pregnant the first month of trying each time. I know I need to talk to my dr, I have appointment to see her soon. Which I’m dreading, I can’t take anymore bad news. I was just wondering if anyone had anything similar? anytime I read about an ectopic it seems like it’s in your tubes. I’m kind of lost and really starting to lose hope that I’ll get to be a mommy someday. I’ve never been diagnosed with pcos or endo. Any ultrasound I’ve had(which has been a TON) there are no cysts and a good amount of follicles in my ovaries. If I’m explaining this wrong I’m sorry, I’m not a dr. Just going off of what I believe I was told. Thank you all so much! Xoxoxo