7 weeks, only saw yolk sac

AJ • Expecting #2, 12/6/21 🌈 Baby Girl born 2/19/20 💕 2 MC: 10.5.18. & 3.25.19

I went in today for my first scan, I should have been 7 weeks today. Immediately I could tell things weren’t good as she was narrowing in and saw the gestational sac followed by a little hope with a yolk sac. No fetal pole.

This is how my first pregnancy started out as well, very slow progressing and that ended in a MC.

The tech told me to of course try to not worry and they’ll follow procedure and check me again next week. My hope and optimism is minimal at the moment, but I am trying to find others that have been in this same boat. I keep reading the opposite with everyone going in and seeing heartbeats at 5.5-6.5 weeks and here I am the exact opposite.

Looking for any hope to hold on to over the next week.