Is it just me?


Before we decided to ttc it seemed like getting pregnant and having a baby was easy and that everyone around me was pregnant or having a baby and then once we started trying it feels like the complete opposite. Getting pregnant is a science that you have to do perfectly to even get pregnant and then if you do the threat of miscarriage is so big and scary and I feel like I hear way more negatives and sad stories instead of positive and happy ones now that I actually want to have a baby and I feel like it causes so much stress and fear in a time that is supposed to be fun and exciting...

* disclaimer *

I am in no way disregarding those that have had a loss or are having trouble getting pregnant, I can’t imagine the pain and hurt that anyone going through that is experiencing and I am in no way trying to minimize that pain. I’m just thinking out loud to an amazing group of supportive people trying to see if anyone else feels this.