Advice please

Ladies I need some kinda advice or pointers?? Af is due Thursday. I’ve had sore boobs, nauseous, extremely tired, dizzy spells, constantly hungry, and extremely bloated. Simply put, I’ve just felt off the past 3-4 days. I took a test Saturday night and there was a faint line, but it wasn’t in the correct spot so I figured it was an indent. When I looked at the test an hour later, the line was gone. I took a new test Sunday morning (because why not?? I’m an avid tester unfortunately) and it was clearly negative. Most of today I’ve had cramping like I’m about to start my period and feel some discharge (as I do when af starts because mine are so heavy). Well anytime I go to the bathroom its not af... and I’ve had relatively WAY more cm discharge. The watery kind. Is this normal right before a period? Or could it be because I’m pregnancy and just too early to pick up on a test??