Baby Callie 3/10


Came in for my induction (low fluids)yesterday at 39 weeks exactly. Was only a fingertip dilated and 24%effaced so I started with an oral dose of cytotec at 9:40am. The first dose gave me contractions about 5-8min apart. They checked me and I was 1cm. I got a second dose at 2pm and contractions came about every 2-5 minutes apart. Much more intense and painful. Checked me at 6pm and I was 3cm and ready for an epidural.

The epidural only worked on my right side so my left side was in pain. I was waiting for the dr to come break my water but it broke on its own. We started the lowest possible dose of pitocin within 2 hours I felt ready to push. My husband had to run to get the nurse and she confirmed the baby was coming and I was 10cm. After only 4 minutes of pushing my sweet baby girl was born. Miss Callie born 3/10 at 10pm.

The induction took 12 hours and while it was painful it was shorter than I expected and my baby girl is very healthy💗 7lbs 7oZ

My third baby so I’m sure that helped things progress quickly.