Baby movement


I’m 38 weeks. I’m close to having my baby girl. I am dilated 4 and I’ve been having strong but inconsistent contractions. I know she’s low and ready but is it normal for me to only feel her move maybe two times today. She has always been a super active baby and not feeling her freaks me out. I felt her maybe 5 times yesterday. I went to the doctor today for my weekly appointment and let them know I haven’t felt her all morning so they monitored her an said that she looked okay. I finally felt her around 2 when I was eating. I’ve felt her one more time around 9 it felt like she had the hiccups but that’s it after that. I’ve tried eating, sweet stuff, drinking something cold, laying on my left side and still not much movement. I’m a first time mom should I be worried about it or is it just the process of her getting ready? I’ve been told both.