I feel weak and small

I’ve been super insecure lately and my mental health had been super bad... but I still pushed myself to get a job because I don’t have any sort of income. My mom is broke and she’s the only support I have. (I’m 17).

I’ve been working 26-29 hours but this week I’m working 37 because it’s March break. I feel so anxious and so stupid for feeling and crying so much for working 6-8 hours. I feel like I’m not normal and capable of what everyone should be capable of (working). I just wish I could focus on school right now...

I try to motivate myself by thinking of all the things I can buy and save for, but it doesn’t help. Especially since my boss is a perfectionist asshole for some food place that shouldn’t be so stress inducing. I hate myself because I want to quit after only working 2 weeks.