Progress ✨


August 2017 on the left, and today on the right.

When I lived with my granddaddy, I ate pretty much anything and everything I wanted. All the junk food and fast food you could imagine! Because when I lived with my mom, she only bought gluten free, organic, etc. so I either starved cause my sister and I didn’t wanna eat the things she was eating, or we ate very little. So when I moved in with my grandparent, I took advantage of being able to eat what every person wants to eat, lol.

In April of 2018 I moved in with my boyfriend, and after being harassed and made fun of by his siblings, I started eating less/more proportionate/exercising (since Jan) and this is my body now.

When I lived with my granddaddy, the heaviest I got was 165, now I weigh 136 and I’m just SO proud of myself. When my boyfriend and I started the gym in January I weighed 143. I never realized how far I let myself go until recently now that I’m seeing the change by looking back. I want to get down to 125 like I was in highschool, that goal isn’t too far away 💖

This is today vs last summer!