Can someone help me please


My chart has me scratching my head now. Yesterday I had a faint pos so I entered it, this morning my temp was low and I'm not sure why. I'm scared that I had a chemical. I didnt sleep well last night which is why it's the open circle but idk if it would effect it that much. Idk how that works, I normally sleep pretty good, but last night I was up every hour. I'm kinda crampy which isn't normal for me either but no af. I dont get any results with fmu on tests for some reason but I did get a faint line again this afternoon, it hasn't gotten darker n I keep hoping it's just a fluke that my temp dropped and the tests would get darker. Can anyone make sense of my chart? Charting still confuses me lol. Thank you I appreciate it

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Posted at
Update: I had a chemical:(


Ge β€’ Mar 14, 2019
Really sorry to hear that Ray, hope you are as ok (as can be in the circumstances) xx


Ray β€’ Mar 13, 2019
Its ok I wont give up on trying


Mafalda β€’ Mar 13, 2019
Im really sorry for you πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸΌ


Posted at
Normally means AF on her way but fingers crossed for you that it isn't 🀞 🀞


Ge β€’ Mar 13, 2019
fingers crossed 🀞x


Ray β€’ Mar 13, 2019
Sorry I didnt see your reply. I got a darker line this evening but I started spotting. I drank a bunch of water n drinking a Gatorade n the spotting is stopping. Hopefully it stops n stays far far away


Ge β€’ Mar 12, 2019
πŸ˜„ yay! keep us posted x


Posted at
I'm figer crossed for you! πŸ€žπŸ»πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€πŸ˜Š


Posted at
have you tested again? could be just a dip and nothing to worry about. fx everything is ok


Angela β€’ Mar 13, 2019
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ yesss!


Ray β€’ Mar 13, 2019
Yes Walmart was about out of bread when I went lol. I never understood it but if we are expected to lose power I have kids to feed still. Pbj it is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Angela β€’ Mar 12, 2019
every one get their milk and bread? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ when I lived in North Carolina that's all people would buy, I was so confused hahahahha


Posted at
I would say AF will be there any moment.


Posted at
I'm not entirely sure, but if your temps continue to drop, it's not a good sign, as it usually means AF is around the corner. Is it possible that the faint positive that you saw might have been an indent or evap? FMU is recommended as that's when the HCG is strongest/not as diluted. But if you saw a positive without FMU (totally common too!!), then hopefully the little bean sticks! I'd hate to say that it sounds like a possible chemical, but I've not been through one myself so cant speak to experience. I'm sorry! Good luck hun!! I'm crossing my fingers for you! πŸ€žπŸ’œπŸ€ž


Ray β€’ Mar 12, 2019
Thank you. I'm pretty excited n nervous. I've had so many miscarriages n chemicals I'm ready for a baby to stick lol.


Sarah β€’ Mar 12, 2019
That's great!!!! I'm so thrilled for you!! Congrats!


Ray β€’ Mar 12, 2019
Thank you. Temp went back up to 98.09 this morning and I got a faint pos with fmu this morning. I kept getting a bfn with fmu n then later in the day I would get my second line. Hopefully it gets darker, temp continues to rise n af stays away


Posted at
With a temp drop like that at 14DPO that usually means AF is on her way.


ju β€’ Mar 12, 2019
Sometimes the temp can drop a day or 2 before, the day of, and some women get the drop the day after. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


Ray β€’ Mar 12, 2019
That's what I thought but af hasn't shown up yet. Everytime month ive had a temp drop like this af showed up in a couple hours of waking up on the dot. I hope it's just a random temp drop and it goes back up but I'm not holding my breath.