Not sure what is happening?!

So Glow says AF is supposed to be here tomorrow and my other app says 3 more days. I’ve put my opks on glow so I’m thinking that’s more accurate! Anyway the last 2 days every time I eat I get nauseous. Nothing happens it must dry heaving but I’ve never been nauseous before my period. I have had some symptoms of “oh feels like af” but since TTC it’s been more light cramps. This time around it’s felt different. The past 2 days I’ve been more moody and sensitive! Like yesterday SUPER sensitive and emotional(even I was surprised!)From your experience does it sound like it could be pregnancy? Im trying to be patient and wait until Thursday to test so that will give me enough time between both apps! I’m really hoping as my friend just gave birth and my other friend found out she’s pregnant (wasn’t trying!) so I’m