Bashing for breastfeeding?

I'm interested to see why other mothers bash on how long you bf your OWN CHILD. My daughter was almost 2 when I stopped. (Just because she loved it and weening her off was so hard lol.) I remember clearly it was her 2nd birthday and I just said no more! Anyways! I was telling another mother of a friend this and she was appalled. "That is way too old!!! Hell no, I bf my son only until about 6 months...that's normal" Etc. I was a little embarrassed I told her my daughter was the age of 2 when I stopped....
Then I thought, why am I embarrassed for nurturing MY CHILD, MY WAY. I'm not going to be embarrassed over the fact I did what's best for MY child! 
& I'm not posting this for others to bash others.