
My daughter is 3 months old as of yesterday and she mainly lays on the right side if her head. She sleeps on the right side. I bottle feed and while I'm feeding, she turns her head into my arm and eats that way, no matter how hard I try to turn her head to where she's looking up at me, she turns it back. When she's laying on my chest to sleep, she's laying on the right side of her head. I looked up torticollis and it said the babies neck muscles are weaker on one side and its hard for them to turn their neck. Now my issue is that she has no problem moving her neck from side to side. She looks around just fine. But if she laying down, its always on the right side. If I'm holding her over my shoulder, her head is facing to the right, like looking behind me. I try and lay her to sleep with her head pointing to the left but she moves it back every time. Anyone ever gone thru this? I'm really freaking out. She doesn't have an appointment for another month. BTW, her head isn't flat on the right side. And I try to do as much tummy time as possible but she hates it.