Hurtful words

My husband plays a lot of sport. When he got home last night, I asked him how the night had gone.

He then told me a story about a guy at the sports club that had seen us together on the weekend and said.. “she looks a lot older than you, and she a lot bigger than you!”

It’s my 30th birthday in 2 weeks (husband is 34)

I’m 38 weeks pregnant, so yes I’m big.. regardless though I’ve always been bigger than my husband. He’s only 14% body fat an a personal trainer.

This whole thing made me feel so shit. I don’t see any reason to have told me this story. I did not need to know.

When I got upset, he got annoyed with me and said “why do you even care what he thinks” and hasn’t really spoken to me since.

I’m so sad and embarrassed.
