Feeling down

Quin • 27. Artist. Wife. Vegetarian. Animal lover. Mama to Dyson and excited to be pregnant with our second son Lennox.
Lately I have been feeling so down about the way that I look. I have body image issues regularly but found when I was pregnant with my first I felt better about myself physically. (Despite gaining 50lbs) this pregnancy I have gained less then 25lbs but feel worse about myself. I'm just feeling so unattractive.... It doesn't help that my Braxton hicks contractions are becoming more uncomfortable and I feel like a useless mom as my husband does as much as he can to help me around the house. I'm worried that after having a positive pregnancy with my first but still having postpartum depression that if I'm already feeling low while pregnant that I'm in a lot of trouble for after he is born. I hate to be thinking it at only 34 weeks Pregnant but I am SO ready for this to be over. Not that I want him to be born before 37 weeks... But can I not just go to sleep and wake up when it's time? Because I kinda feel like digging myself a hole and living in it for a bit. Not a question more just a sobby rant.