My hair won't grow! HELP!!

Where are my expert hair ladies!? I'm getting married in 9 months! I am trying everything to grow my hair out! It's about mid chest length right now! I need it long!!! I'm taking over the counter prenatals, I've tried hair masks, I even avoid washing everyday, and using heat when I don't need too. I'm getting so frustrated! Anyone have any advice for me to try!?
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Honestly coconut oil !!! Helped my lashes too


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Trim your ends, if you don't trim your ends every 6-8 weeks it's gonna split your hair and you won't see much growth.. What will be growing is dead hair. And drink PLENTY water... Hair pills, keep it moisturizer. Go on Pinterest and look for natural products you can mix together to help... Don't use heat and just take care of your body. What goes in, will come out 😊


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Take Bioten. It's make to help nails and hair grow


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Cut your ends. Also try coconut oil. I have ethnic hair obviously but it works wonders for me so it's worth a shot 


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Honestly you might be wanting to cut it more. To prevent damage, breakage and all that you should be getting it cut/trimmed every 12 weeks.


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When was the last time you got it cut?


Cheyenne • Sep 10, 2015
April 28