Currently i’m about 7 days late for my period. Cycle day 37!! . Usually my cycle is 29/30 days and the shortest 27 latest 32. I have a copper iud as well, the flexi-t 300 that i got back in september 2018. I’m freaking out just a bit as i’m 18 and so not ready to have a baby!! Been using the iud mainly, condoms sometimes but not 100% of the time. I’ve taken two tests, one at 4 days late and one today first pee of the day. both came back negative. I did have finals early this cycle, which definitely stressed me out as well as some family issues that added more stress. Haven’t been eating all the healthy either due to being so busy with school and work! I realllly hope i’m not pregnant but just wanted to see your guys opinion. Will probably wait for a few more days, and will see a doc if AF doesn’t come by 10 days late. Thanks everyone!!