I need advice... again

So this guy is walking around school telling everyone that he took my virginity in the locker room before gym. It’s my bully’s brother. (Does it count as a bully if every time they try to pick on you, you shut them down? No? Okay.) So I have never really talked to the guy and all of a sudden he “took my virginity”. I went to the principals office and they said they’d investigate but if it did happen, I would be expelled and I wouldn’t be in the Beta club or the student council anymore. I don’t know what to do.

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Posted at
A good way to get back at him is to tell his parents. Unless they are a-holes like him, he'll be in deep shit


Posted at
I’d just go with it. say it’s true that you did loose your virginity to him but say he was really bad in bed or something like that, see how he likes it 🤷🏼‍♀️


L • Mar 13, 2019
Yeah its not really a practical solution😂 hope you get it sorted nonetheless!


Elizabeth • Mar 13, 2019
That’s a great idea It’s just I’ll get kicked out of everything including school


Posted at
punch him in the throat ! 😂😂 (i’m only joking😁)


Elizabeth • Mar 13, 2019
Don’t give me any ideas😂