Which name would you choose


I’ve been dead set on Mila Rose. But my husband doesn’t like it and doesn’t want to use Rose as a middle name because In Egypt ( his country) they don’t do middle names like we do. The middle name is the fathers name. So he says it should be Mila Mohamed Mahmoud. And I’m like okay with adding his name but I want Rose before it so it’s at least pretty and feminine. So Nadia is the other name I liked but wasn’t as set with it and he said well we can use Nadia and I’ll be okay with adding Rose behind it or Nadia Mila.

To me Nadia Mila doesn’t flow right ? Idk if I’m just picky and set on Rose or ?

Sigh. My mom made such a pretty sign with Mila on it and also my sons name flows with Mila.

His name is Malik. ( mal-ick) the arabic name not maleek how Americans use it lol

Hellllllppp me lol

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