3 weeks missed AF, BFN. (TMI pics)

Hey girls! To start out, I am 21 days (3 weeks) late. All tests have been BFN’s...

Day before missed AF I had spotting:

That lasted 3 days. Day 4 of missed AF it picked up... only this much!

After this I never had a drop of blood since.

Around 2 weeks missed I started developing creamy CM, which I’ve never had.

I’ve had it every day since, a lot of it, and I personally don’t produce little to any CM so this is very different.

From aprox 3 weeks to now (7 weeks) I’ve had flutters and twitches in my belly every single day. No I don’t think this is baby moving, but maybe stretching of everything, preparing?

(If I were pregnant) — 6 weeks hits. I get a new job, this job is quite labour intensive, causing me to lift heavier items and run around. I’m standing there working my butt off and I start getting period like pains pretty good, I got insanely depressed thinking my period was starting... I finished my shift and absolutely nothing.... I looked this up and come to find out thousands of ladies had the same dilemma at the exact same time, saying how it could be the uterus stretching. It left me at ease... this was about a week ago as I am now into week 7. I went to check my CM and noticed my cervix was really high, and closed, still with creamy CM. The last week or 2 have been rough. I’m talking brain fog like you wouldn’t believe, and MOOD SWINGS, bad. Bad, bad. Also, I’m a coffee-holic, I drink up to 4 cups a day. Lately 1 cup makes me sick, and I crave nothing but ice water. Even pop makes me sick...

I’m going to make a doctors appointment soon... but has this happened to anyone and ended up positive?

Prayers and baby dust are very needed tonight please 🌸❤️