Kai • MC-Baby #1 @10wks (04/17/17)...ttc🌈 😍😍😍 Rainbow baby (EDD): 12/25/2023!!🌈🌈🌈

I have pcos but I have regular periods not sure about O, but my last period was on 2/18, we BD (baby dance (sex)) multiple times on 3/5-3/6. (3/5. Being my supposed O (ovulation)date) not thinking about that we DTD. About 8 days away from my period, on the 10th I had VERY light, brown spotting along with some mild cramps. I put a tampon in, and had it in almost all day and when I took it out it was clean. I keep checking and I'm not getting anything when I wipe. Well my period isnt due until 6 days as of today(03/13/19). I have been experiencing spotting since 3/10/19 on and off with mild cramping. That day i had a few drops of brown discharge along with mild cramps. Then nothing after that, the next day was nothing at all. On 3/12 i noticed some brown spotting that was turning like a pale pink, thought "my period is starting early". It was only like that when I wiped, I put in a tampon, wanted to check how much i was bleeding and it was like this(pic) it was like that just a LITTLE more every time I checked my tampon since last night when it stopped kinda red-brown and only one one side. On yesterday @ 5am I threw up yellow bile out of no where, i had been up tossing and turning and i felt really hot and couldnt get comfortable. I also pushed out more discharge from the force of throwing up, it was brown and creamy. (More pics) I also cried last night with my bf cause I was sad I couldn't get in the mood.


*no appitite(normally very hungry beforw AF)


*slight nipple soreness

*neg tests this 03/11 and morning