Should I be worried?


My partner and I have been TTC for 7 months now and have had a few miscarriages in the process. I took a test last week and I swear it was positive. I went to the doctors last Thursday and they did a urine and blood test. After waiting a half an hour for the results the doctor told me the urine test came back negative. ( I personally think it only came back negative because i pee’d before i went to the doctors and it was later in the day). I also had bloodwork done, I was told to call back the next day to get my results. I called the next day and they told me that they have not processed my blood yet and that they will call me after the weekend with the results. Well it’s nearly a week later and I still do not have my results. I’m also supposed to start AF today and it is no where in sight.🤞🏻 I’m starting to get frustrated with all of this!