Love is amazing


Unicorns 🦄 do exist!!! ♥️ Summer of 1994 we were so young...and in Love not just at first sight but forever a deep love neither of us could have known what the other was wanting thinking as we were only 13 when we first parted....long distance phone calls...we met again at 15 and I’d given him my pink ice ring (my mom had given me as a birthday present and he gave me his grandfathers pocket knife)...both meant so much to each of us in different ways...

here we are finally found him after almost 25 years of wanting to be back in Kentucky....Matt & I will be grandparents of 2 beautiful grandchildren...Wow there is so much to this story that God has blessed us both with finding one another! Yes it’s another Facebook story only by finding means...thank you god for such an amazing love to have it twice with the same man! I’ve been in love with you for over 25 years and will continue to be in love the rest of our long happy lives together 💕