Do i have the right to be upset about this?

My husband is just beginning to follow God, hes been doing it since Jan. I have been a believer nyself, but i turned away from God, because of my husband, i am beginning to get back with God.

Anyways, i forgot to pray before i ate my sandwich, and my husband began lecturing me. Telling me that im a fake, because thruout my whole life, i believe in God, but i dont pray before i eat. He compared me to him that he doesnt ever forget, he isnt a fake like me, he is just beginning to follow God. Im not like him. He then told me im clumsy and stupid, something is not right with me.

But, my husband tends to forget to pray before he eats too. And not only this, he never say Amen, whenever we pray. I dont even bash at him like how he does to me. And he is still drinking alcohol, looking at women.

I know hes right about me not taking God seriously, but im not happy with the way he interpret it. Like he doesnt look at himself at all, just like when Jesus talks about taking a speck out of your own eye 1st, before trying to take it off of slmeone elses eye.

My husband does not respect me at all, and idk what to do about it. Idk maybe im just overreacting, but what do u think?