I'm confused & not really sure what I'm doing


Let me start by saying I've been on BC for 21 years and only came off it on the 25th of Feb.

Three days later I had a withdrawal bleed that lasted 5 days (exactly like a normal period). Between me coming off BC and AF we BD twice.

I've started taking temps each morning and OPKs (originally I was taking these when I first got up, I've now changed to later in the day. OPKs are always negative, I've had a couple of slightly darker lines but no positives. Originally glow said O day was the 6th and then the 10th but it just keeps getting pushed out. I feel like I'm constantly chasing O day and it just never happens.

For the last 4 days I've had some serious cramping going on, dizziness, my breast seems to have gotten slightly bigger, I'm peeing like a race horse, headaches and super tired. Normally when AF comes along I have no symptoms (yep I'm one of those lucky ones). AF isn't due for another 2 weeks so i doubt its from that.

I don't think I've ovulated?.

Am I doing something wrong? I know there's not much data there, but if I'm doing something wrong I'd like to know now so I can fix it as I am 36 and we are late to this game. Any tips would be greatly appreciated, I know it's early days but I have this nagging feeling I'm not doing something right.


P.S question about OPKs, I drink a lot of water so I'm finding it hard to wait 4 hours and not drink anything...does anyone have any tips?