Nerve damage from spinal?


So I gave birth to my daughter on March 3rd, and she had a very complicated birth so I ended up having a c-section. Prior to the C-section I had received a mini spinal and pushed for over an hour, because I got the mini spinal I was unable to get the full one stay awake during my c-section so I had a general anesthetic. When I woke up I regained feeling, except in my right leg. Over a couple days I regained feeling up to my ankle. The doctor said I had a bad reaction but the more I read up the more o think I got nerve damage. I am unable to wiggle my toes or roll my ankle, the hospital gave me a cane and walking boot so I can get around easier. I am struggling to stay positive, my doctors said it could be up to 8 weeks to heal if it does at all. The if at all part scares me, I have a 2 1/2 year old and a new baby and I feel so defeated needing help with most things and not being able to do everything I want to with them. Has anyone else experienced this and healed okay? Or any suggestions?