Is it bitchy to blow everyone off and sleep (read below )

I’m being induced Saturday and my doctor is predicting a really rough and long induction since I’ll be 37 weeks and I’m 0 centimeters and 0% effaced. That along with about to be a FTM means I just wanna get all the sleep I can get before baby 😂. I made plans with a bunch of people at the start of the week and all of them cancelled and tried to move it to a later time (I haven’t seen them my whole pregnancy since they always do shit like this) and I know if I moved it to a later time (even tho the plans where made days in advance) they’d just cancel then and I would be forced to leave my pajamas and get out of bed for nothing. So i guess I’m asking is it bitchy to just “nope I will not reschedule I’m gonna nap.”

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