Coworkers suck


I have been hoping and praying for my bfp but nobody I work with knows this. I had a coworker make a comment a week ago saying I was pregnant. I knew I wasn’t. And then yesterday she made a comment saying I was glowing and even went as far to say my nose was getting wider. Like who the hell says this.

As soon as I got home from work yesterday my stomach was cramping and I started my period.

I was 6 days late and trying not to get my hopes up. Maybe next month.

But y’all, don’t go up to a person you barely know and say “you’re pregnant” unless you’re 100% certain. I know she was just being nice, and I was way too nice back.

I was already hormonal enough because I knew my period was coming. Bless my husband after she made the nose comment.. he was ready to go after somebody

Sorry just needed to rant.