How can I stop co sleeping? 15 months


Okay so I know I should have never started it but around the time he was 9 month we were in the middle of a move and he ended up sleeping in bed with us one time , then turned in to him sleeping in our bed part of the night when he’d wake up and by the end of that week he refused to sleep anywhere other then our bed . He’s now 15 month and I’m 14 weeks pregnant he takes up the whole bed all night and me and my husband have not been able to sleep next to each other in will over 6 months now 😳😭 I can’t take it anymore HE NEEDS TO SLEEP IN HIS CRIB ... I’ve tried the cry it out and fail horribly at it because he would literally be up screaming all night if I’d let him, I’ve tried putting him in the crib after he’s asleep he wakes right up and refuses to even let us put him in the crib... I really have no idea of how to break this habit and to a point I love cuddling him at night but me and my husband need our bed back before this becomes never ending 😭😭 PLEASE HELP ME