What can I do to improve my sex life?

My partner and I have been together for almost 4 years. We’re madly in love, we live together and have for nearly 3 years. We both really want to start a family, we did manage to get pregnant last year but sadly ended in miscarriage. We’re now ready to try again. But I’m struggling to even get him to have sex with me. He’s not a very sexual person at the best of times and now his anxiety is getting the better of him and affecting our sex life. He is constantly worrying he’s going to do something wrong, hurt me or even disappoint me. I’ve tried to reassure him that’s not the case. I’ve also told him I want the sex because I want him, not just because we want a baby.

I just don’t know what to do. It never used to be like this. I partly think it’s because he’s scared that we’ll miscarry again but he says that’s not the problem. I’ve tried to dress up for him but he’s not interested in that and shows no interest in buying toys.

I just want to be able to enjoy each other and have a healthy sexual relationship with the man I love like we used to.

How can I improve his libido and stop his worrying?